Monday, May 27, 2013

Growing Strawberries

Here is how they look. I have everything in containers...


Annie*s Granny said...

I planted some in containers just like your long ones, but mine have yet to set blossoms. I put in three to a planter too.

Sarada said...

My kids love berries, we spend a fortune at supermarket for them. This is the first time I planted these. First berry turned very sour. I hope they get sweeter. Granny, any tips on getting sweeter ones? Does it depend entirely on variety you choose?

Annie*s Granny said...

I think it has more to do with the weather. As it gets warmer, mine seem to get sweeter and larger. Make sure they are really ripe when you pick them!

Sarada said...

Thanks for visiting and reply, we will wait and wait and won't forget fish fertilizer :)