Monday, September 19, 2011

Today's Harvest

I am very glad to join Harvest Monday @ Daphnes Dandelions with my first Ridge gourds of the year.


Thomas said...

How do you usually prepare ridged gourd?

Sarada said...

I usually make the following

1. In a pan, use some oil+cumin+urad dal, let the dal color change to golden brown
2. Add cut green chillies+crushed garlic+cut shallot pieces.
3. When the shallots are cooked, add peeled and diced (small cubes)pieces of Ridge Gourd and let it cook in its own water and at the end add salt to taste.

This goes well with rice or any kind of Indian bread.

Best part of the vegetable is even the peelings and hard parts can be used to make chutney which is yummy.

Sarada said...

I am not a food blogger but If you search for "Beerakaya" in google you may find all the recipes I make :)