Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easy Paperwhites...

Bulb forcing...Its a easy technique to make flowering bulbs to bloom when you want them to. Rather than waiting till spring and summer to see tulips or hyacinths, we can enjoy them even in winters. Among the various types of bulbs available, Paperwhite Narcissus are the easy ones to force as there is never a risk of them not growing. Only things required are
1. Good Quality bulbs
2. Some pebbles or mables or stones or potting soil
3. Water
They also don't need the chilling period needed by other bulbs. Here is how I am forcing few bulbs in a container filled with stones to support the bulbs and add some water. If the bulb can support itself on the container, even with water, paperwhites can be forced.

Growth with in 2 weeks...


Anonymous said...

In a few more weeks you're going to be in bulb heaven!

Sarada said...

Thanks Fern for visiting my blog. Its lovely experience to see these bulbs growing.

Anonymous said...

Its lovely experience to see these bulbs growing.

I know it's kind of dorky to say this, but it's so amazing to me that you plant something that appear to be dead, like a bulb or seed, and something grows. And not just anything, but something beautiful!

Sarada said...

Thats so true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. I'm going to need to do this!

Sarada said...

Zach, Go ahead and enjoy the blooms & wonderful fragrance.