Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tulips and Hyacinths

Last fall, planted a lot of Tulip bulbs and they are all coming out. My plan is to add some summer and late summer perennial bulbs around them slowly. I feel once the Tulips blooms are over this area may not look as striking as it will be with Tulips.
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Seeds Seeds Seeds

I haven't yet started any seeds indoors expect for some cilantro, most of the plants I am planning to grow can be sowed directly after the frost date with some exceptions, so taking it easy with the indoor seed starting. This year I am planning on concentrating on container gardening, will keep posting my gardening journal.
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Sprouting Garlic

We haven't yet passed the frost date, earth seems to be still hard, but the Garlic bulbs which I have planted late fall are sprouting.
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Spring Time

These are the first blooms in the garden this season, I am not sure about the name of these flowers but they are quite beautiful!
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