Monday, May 9, 2011

Vegetable Bed Before and After

I cleaned up the weeds a month back and yesterday my husband helped me to amend the soil with some humus and manure and now the vegetable bed is ready to go.


Anonymous said...

I follow you very nicely done informative blog.I am trying raised bed garden for the first time. what type of soil i should use?Is it good to use top soil only? please do reply

Sarada said...

Hi Anonymous, thanks for visiting and following. I am in the learning process too coming to vegetable gardening:) From what I learned when you do the bed you have mix topsoil with compost and humus and manure and every year you can top dress it with compost/humus manure. Our property is full of huge trees and their roots run all over, so when we did this bed we double digged it (tries removing as much as roots as possible) and mixed the soil with some compost. This year I just weeded and mixed 5 bags of humus and manure with the soil.

As you are doing for the first time, try any online resource and get the soil amendments.

Sarada said...

Hi Anonymous,
I am re posting this comment as blogger ate your question and response.
Thanks for visiting and following. I am in the learning process too coming to vegetable gardening:) From what I learned when you do the bed you have mix topsoil with compost and humus and manure and every year you can top dress it with compost/humus manure. Our property is full of huge trees and their roots run all over, so when we did this bed we double digged it (tries removing as much as roots as possible) and mixed the soil with some compost. This year I just weeded and mixed 5 bags of humus and manure with the soil.

As you are doing for the first time, try any online resource for making a bed and get the soil amendments.

Annie*s Granny said...

It's looking so much better! It always feels good to get the garden cleaned up and ready to plant.

Sarada said...

true Granny and I have to get the plants in a day or 2. All the rain we are having kept me waiting.