..not to see this gloomy sky and bare tree branches, but because we are done racking the leaves on the lawn shed by these trees before the rain for couple more days. This year we waited till all the trees (in total we have 5 trees - 2 Maple, 1 Oak, 1 each of flowing cherry, flowering dogwood and a crab apple) shed their leaves and it took me and my husband few hours 2 weekday mornings and an hour on weekend to bag all the leaves. So far we have filled 14 big refuse bags. I enjoyed racking the dry leaves and its a wonderful experience to see your lawn clean after the job and the feeling that you are done for this season.
wow..this experience is totally new to me.. !
Must be feeling great taking care of your own home :)
Hi Swati, More than taking care of own stuff, we wanted to get this done before continuous rains we are having now. Its no fun trying blow or rake wet leaves :)
It is very satisfying to finish a garden chore. I especially enjoy the fall leaves, the crunch they make under your feet, their patterns on the ground, and returning their nutrients to the soil. The bare branches look interesting for a while, but of course that wears off after a month. Then I'm eagerly waiting for the new green buds to appear a number of months later.
Yes, I too love and enjoy everything that is associated with fall.
The bare branches against the sky look hauntingly beautiful!
spookydragonfly, thanks for your comments, checked out your blogs - you have a wonderful place in woods, so close to nature
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