Last weekend after cleaning the vegatable bed, I planted few garlic bulbs in the ground. In "New England Forum" of gardenweb, fellow gardeners were talking about planting the bulbs before frost and whereas my nearest local nursery was not carrying bulbs and told me that they are going to get them early spring. So, I chose few Organic garlic which I bought for culinary purpose to try and see what will happen.
Good for you - it is supposed to be a very easy and rewarding crop. Most of our garlic comes from China (to Canada!) - how's that for a carbon footprint. Found a good local source this w/e - but really, why not grow my own?
Hi! I am a new blotanical member, and am looking around other blogs. We live in the house my husband grew up in. There was a lot of hard neck garlic growing, and I had to learn to thin it, and cut the snapes off. They make a tasty side dish. Last year, I planted some from the season's harvest, and they did very well. My problem, is they don't keep all winter. I didn't get any planted yet this fall. I better hurry up if I'm going to.
I'm not sure what kind of garlic you have there, but I'm thinking it should grow.
Thanks Barbara,I will wait and watch for the Garlic now :)
Sue, Even I am new to blotanical, Good to know that Garlic is a hardy plant and will grow. Actually, I am not sure what type of garlic bulbs I used.
I know quite a few people who simply stick a clove of their favorite supermarket garlic in the ground. I am sure you'll be swimming in garlic in no time!
Thanks! I am hopeful too Fern.
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