Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Seedlings are ready...

Red Sail Lettuce

..but... I am not ready this year with other commitments to plant them in ground for the memorial day.  They may need to wait a bit. I am glad except for Tomatoes and Eggplants others will be grown in containers.

Sweet Basil



Tomatoes from a different angle

Flat Leaf Parsley

Polka dot plant (my daughter sowed the seed in her school)

Carrots (over crowded...used 2 year old seeds)

Chard spoty germination


Jenny Rottinger said...

very nice seedlings, hope they'll grow strong and start producing soon

Sarada said...

Thanks Jenny ...

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Sarada, Lots of yummy things growing! Why will you keep so many things in Pots? Will you set them out in soil later in the summer? Thanks for visiting my blog! Please come agan. Nancy

Sarada said...

Nancy, As you have seen from pictures, Lettuce, Carrots and Chard are already in containers and Herbs (Sweet Basil and Parsley) will go in container and remaining are Tomatoes, Eggplants and I have 2 peppers and they are growing very slowly.